Brian T. Dooley


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Exit Strategies

A proper exit strategy is an integral part of the selling process. As the seller of a business you want to maximize the return of your life’s investment. This takes thought to realize the goals of selling your company. Whether it is to retire and to live comfortably or to take the proceeds and invest into another business. Ideally, your goal is to put as much revenue as possible into your own pocket. There is no boxed solution to attain this goal. Each and every sale is unique and should be handled as such, because the needs of no two sellers are alike.

The sales process starts with selecting the right firm to represent your best interest and to get you the maximum sales price for your company. There are a number of things that are needed to accomplish this, first and foremost are what expectations you have when selling your company. So your representative needs to know what you expect from the sale of your company and if those expectations are real in today's market. People who put an unrealistic price on a company are sure to take the company off the market which in turn only drops the value of the company. Being real about your goals only helps in the valuation process. Once the valuation is determined, the next step is to prepare for the selling process to take place.